We have all heard that we need to eat more greens…why not drink them? Make a delicious green smoothie and you can put away large amounts of superfood green leafy vegetables without really having to think about it. Spinach is high in protein, vitamin A, vitamin K, iron, potassium, magnesium, […]
This was a request: “Make something blueberry”. Requests from friends are great because they not only give me an idea what people like but gives me a reason to create something I might not have normally thought of. This delicious blueberry cheesecake is not only dairy-free/vegan but happens to be […]
Vegan white chocolate DOES exist, and it works just the same for baking as the regular stuff! The vegan world doesn’t see a lot of white chocolate desserts–mostly because vegan white chocolate chips are extremely hard to find in stores. So, am I going to tell you to go to […]
Dates are amazing. They’re a great whole foods replacement for sugar in many whole food recipes, specifically dessert recipes. I have (had) a sizable box of dates and often make something similar to this when I do…so I’m finally sharing one of these date ball recipes with you! These are […]
Maybe you’re here for a great vegan mashed potatoes recipe. Or, maybe the fact that our potatoes are naturally purple caught your eye. Either way, this dish is not only way cooler to look at but also loads more nutritious than regular mashed potatoes! Purple sweet potatoes can be found […]
I’m a fan of fermented foods–kombucha, kimchi, pickles, etc. have been in man’s diet for thousands of years, and these days, scientists are starting to learn why those types of food are actually *really* helpful to the digestive system. Your digestive system, particularly your intestines, require certain “good bacteria” to […]
Let me just start by saying…kale chips have seriously changed my life! If you need to get more greens in your diet, and you’ve tried salads, tried green smoothies…kale chips just might be the way to go. They certainly were for me! I make them all the time and have […]
This recipe was inspired by the idea of chocolate-covered fruit…eg strawberries and raspberries dipped in chocolate, chocolate-covered raisins, bananas with chocolate sauce etc. This time, though, the chocolate really does cover the fruit, by sitting on top of it. Raw and vegan, this textured chocolate matches the moistness of the […]
I have wonderful memories from my childhood of making cookies, cutting them into fun shapes, and decorating them. I especially loved gingerbread cookies for their unique flavor, (and that was likely the only reason we went out and bought molasses every year.) I still make gingerbread cookies with molasses, but […]
I have always loved chocolate. Since adopting a mostly raw diet, though, it’s been rare that I get to enjoy it, largely because I think it’s silly to pay $10 for a bar of raw chocolate from the health food store. So, I started to look into making my own. […]