Vegan Peanut Butter Cookies: For Serious Peanut Butter Lovers Only!

These are not your normal, everyday sort of peanut butter cookies.  These are packed with the maximum amount of peanut butter that a cookie can still hold, and on top of that, these soft, moist ball-shape cookies melt in your mouth and are amazing fresh out of the oven or even the next day.

When I was younger, peanut butter was one of my absolute favorite flavors in the world–better than chocolate, better than anything.  If a dessert could contain peanut butter, that generally made it that much better!

I still enjoy the taste of peanut butter and carry with me this recipe which I spun up years ago, with the sole goal in mind being to pack as much peanut butter into a cookie as possible.  Especially to any other peanut butter freaks out there: Enjoy; these literally cannot hold anymore peanut butter without falling apart.



  • Combine all ingredients together, starting with the sugar and margarine, and then incorporating the rest.  You may have to start mixing by hand by time you add the flour.
  • Prepare a few greased cookie sheets.  (Margarine or coconut oil works well for this)
  • Take about 1 TBS of cookie dough at a time, and form ball shapes with your hands.  Place these gently on the cookie sheets.  You can press down on them slightly, but do not flatten.
  • Bake in a preheated oven at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for about 7 minutes (yep, that’s it).
  • Let cool & enjoy 🙂

Vegan peanut butter cookies

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