We often buy salad dressings for the convenience factor, but if you are trying to avoid preservatives and cut down on your consumption of unhealthy fats, (most vegetables oils,) making your own dressing is the way to go. It’s really easy, is fairly quick to make, and it stores for […]
Dates are amazing. They’re a great whole foods replacement for sugar in many whole food recipes, specifically dessert recipes. I have (had) a sizable box of dates and often make something similar to this when I do…so I’m finally sharing one of these date ball recipes with you! These are […]
You know fall is coming…the air is getting a bit chillier, the colors are getting warmer and rosier everywhere you look, and classic treats like those involving salted caramel are everywhere… Well, we’ve got our own version of that! These bars are cute and delightful…but they’re so rich and delicious […]
Cauliflower pizza crust is unlike any other pizza crust you’ve ever had, but one bite and you’ll be hooked! It holds form when you pick up a slice of pizza–just like the traditional kind–yet this one is gluten-free, oil-free, without refined flour, comprised of whole foods, and higher in protein, […]
After a recent visit to Sun Cafe, I was inspired by a dish they make there called “sun nachos”. Sun nachos are completely raw vegan nachos made using raw jicama slices as chips, and the toppings range from nut-based sauces to veggies and guacamole. They’re delicious, and you can top […]
I have the unique advantage of getting to experience a lot of Chinese food and culture even though I’m not myself Chinese. Often, that leads to some really interesting flavors and experiences that I’m not sure I would have ever encountered otherwise. In the case of this particular dish, I’m […]
This raw vegan granola is fruity and nutty, carrying through the full flavors because they’re kept in the raw. This recipe is both raw & vegan, and although I have seen some super complicated raw granola recipes, this is NOT one of them. You’ll find that this recipe is super […]
New to juicing and not sure where to start? One of the most popular fresh, raw juice drinks I’ve seen in juice bars is carrot ginger juice. It’s super easy to make at home, and even better, the ingredients to make it are really cheap. I tend to drink a […]
I’ve always loved applesauce, from childhood onward, and I still love applesauce–only now, I make it a bit differently. Sparing the stovetop in this unique applesauce recipe make it not only retain more vitamin C and fiber but also gives it a fresh flavor that mostly gets lost when making […]
I loved the flavor of Creamsicles® as a kid…the orangy vanilla-ey taste got me every time. Now that I’m a bit older and a LOT healthier….well, I don’t eat those anymore. I still miss the flavor, so what to do… Here’s an easy recipe that will take you back to […]
Trying to get started with more juices, smoothies in your life? Strawberries and bananas together are always a winning combination. Here’s a perennial favorite recipe that’s easy to make at home. Before you start, a quick note on green smoothies…our ingredients list does call for spinach! This is optional, but […]
I have wonderful memories from my childhood of making cookies, cutting them into fun shapes, and decorating them. I especially loved gingerbread cookies for their unique flavor, (and that was likely the only reason we went out and bought molasses every year.) I still make gingerbread cookies with molasses, but […]